As deeply troubling reports continue to come in about ocean waters hitting historic hot temperatures, sectors …
The Future: Arctic Five-Year Plan
We have less than a month to keep the Arctic Ocean safe from offshore drilling.
Right now, President Obama is preparing a new five-year leasing plan, and it could allow risky oil and gas leasing to go forward in the Arctic Ocean. We can’t let that happen.
Can I count on you to help protect the Arctic?
The future of the Arctic will be determined in these next few weeks. Offshore drilling is risky, and in the Arctic it’s as dangerous as dangerous gets. A major oil spill in the remote and icy waters of the Arctic would be all but impossible to clean up. In fact, there’s virtually no infrastructure or adequate resources for a cleanup. It would be a danger to not only the people and response teams involved, but a threat to this fragile ecosystem.
The answer is simple: We can’t risk a disaster in the Arctic. That’s why we need you.
Will you join Ocean Conservancy in asking the Obama Administration to exclude Arctic lease sales from the final version of the five-year plan?
The time to act is now. The Administration needs to know this issue is important to you!
Until we can ensure the safety of wildlife and the ocean ecosystem, we can’t afford to include Arctic leasing in the five-year plan. Arctic wildlife like polar bears, bowhead whales and walruses are found nowhere else on Earth. It’s up to us to protect their Arctic home from the dangers of offshore drilling.
Take action for the Arctic. Ask President Obama to keep Arctic leasing off the five year-plan.
Please take five minutes to stand up for five years in the Arctic.